Back to School Transition: Part 1 - Getting Organized for a Smooth Start

The summer days are dwindling, and the back-to-school season is fast approaching. You (and your kiddo) might feel a mix of excitement, anticipation, and anxiety. However, with a little planning and organization, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition. In this three-part series, we will walk you through some essential steps to help your family get ready for the 2023-2024 school year. 

In this post, we will focus on the importance of getting organized. Setting aside some time to get organized now will save you time (and sanity) in the long run.


Whether it’s digital or physical, a family calendar will help the whole crew stay on top of things. Make sure to note school events, extracurricular activities, and important dates. Color-coding different family members can make it easier to manage multiple schedules. This way, everyone in the family can stay informed and plan their activities accordingly.



If your child has an assignment notebook for school, make sure they note important events and extracurriculars. If your child doesn’t have an assignment notebook or planner for school, investing in one might be a good idea.

Spend some time each Sunday evening looking at the week ahead with your kids. Depending on their age, help them devise a game plan for how they will manage their extracurriculars, academics, and social life for the upcoming week. 



Set up a quiet and well-equipped space where your child can focus on their studies. Stock it with the necessary supplies and keep it nice and tidy. 



Busy weekdays can be chaotic, leaving little time for meal prep. Developing a meal planning system can be a game-changer for your family’s routine. Take some time to plan and prep meals in advance. Consider batch cooking or using a meal delivery service to streamline your family’s dining routine. 


As this season of change approaches, taking the time to get organized will set the stage for a successful and less stressful transition. By following these tips and tricks, you can save time, reduce last-minute rushes, and make the upcoming school year more manageable for both you and your child. Stay tuned for the next part of this series, where we will delve into tips for establishing routines!

Check out our 2023 Back-to-School Collection!
